Sitemap - 2013 - Ephemeroptera

Provision for the journey

In praise of the presents

Thousand mile retrospective

He's got the whole world in his hands: talking to a white son about privilege

In memory of Peter C. Greer, who teaches me still

Arrivals and departures

A veterinarian and a lawyer walk into a bar...

Secret spaces

I'd boycott Toys 'R' Us, if I ever shopped there

A pleasant fall run dogged by grim death

All Hallows

On empathy, English majors, and Past Loves Day

Cape Cod walk 2

Cape Cod walk 1

On tribalism and cyclists

What creeps in the dark

A science lesson for back to school

For Heaney

Slow is my pace!

Could it be low T?

Life in small bites

The real reason why I run

Five Star Camping at Pillsbury State Park

Unhappy campers

By their bands shall ye know them

Waters we did not cross: more backpacking with boys

Bad Blue no more!

Road trip

Flight delays

Backpacking with boy

A turtle teaches patience

Kayaking the Exeter River: a half scenic segment

Pomp and circumstance and the Associate's degree

Boys will be kids

Memory rounds a dirt track over and over again

To whom it may concern:

And meanwhile, Congress goes slinking away: a letter to my Senator

It's not instead of, it's also.

Limping toward ok again

My lucky day: the view from mile 22

The ends of things

The sex talk

Long thoughts on the long run

A complete failure of empathy

Either he's insane, or he's 3.

The graveyard of our better selves

That's my boy!...I'm fairly certain.

What passes for relaxation

Happy birthday, Mister President

The runner and the butterfly

Love means giving someone else your good socks

All the world's a toilet

The secret lives of (pseudo) vegans

The cabin at Ipswich River: but it's a dry heat.

Three mothers, six boys

The return of Sundays-read-the-paper

Christophe to run Boston marathon; becomes one of Malcolm's "most fascinating people."

My membership vest

Welcome squash bugs!

Superdeluxe hometown heterosexual nostalgia running tour

In with the out crowd

Death day for chickens

This is a winter run.